What is cardiovascular disease
What exactly are heart Cardiovascular? The term "cardiovascular diseases" (CVDs) refers to a variety of heart and blood vessel conditions. They consist of: coronary heart disease – a disease of the blood vessels supplying the heart muscle; cerebrovascular disease – a disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain; peripheral arterial disease – a disease of blood vessels supplying the arms and legs; rheumatic heart disease – damage to the heart muscle and heart valves from rheumatic fever, caused by streptococcal bacteria; congenital heart disease – birth defects that affect the normal development and functioning of the heart caused by malformations of the heart structure from birth; and deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism – blood clots in the leg veins, which can dislodge and move to the heart and lungs. Heart attacks and strokes are typically sudden, severe events that are mostly brought on by a blockage that stops the flow of blood to the heart or brain. Fatty d...